Late Coming Letter Format for Employee to Coming Office
Late arrivals can disrupt the workflow and affect the overall productivity of a team. That’s where a well-crafted “Late Coming Letter” comes into play. In this blog, we will explore the essential components and the right format for such a letter.
First and foremost, addressing the issue of tardiness with professionalism and empathy is crucial. It can help maintain a positive work environment and ensure employees understand the importance of punctuality. In this blog, we will provide you with a simple and clear template for writing a “Late Coming Letter” that balances the need for discipline with a supportive tone.
We will walk you through the steps to create an effective letter, including when to send it, what to include, and how to encourage better time management in your employees. So, let’s dive in and discover how to address the issue of late coming at the workplace effectively.
Sample Warning Letter for Late Arrival to Work

Ref: _________
Date: ________
(Name of the Employee)
(Name of the Department)
Employee Code: _________
Sub.: Warning for Violation of Company Policy – Excessive Absenteeism
Dear Mr. / Ms. (First Name of the Employee),
We regret to inform you that your attendance at the office has been below par and has fallen short of the minimum required standards. We have noticed that you have been absent for several days during the last month without prior permission or valid reasons. Such behavior is not acceptable and is a violation of the company’s policy.
Please note that absenteeism affects productivity, hampers team work and reflects poorly on your commitment towards your job. It is mandatory for all employees to follow the company’s attendance policy and maintain a good attendance record. Your continued absence without permission or genuine reasons will lead to disciplinary action, which may even result in termination of your employment.
You are hereby warned to improve your attendance record and ensure that you report to work on all working days. Failure to do so will result in severe action being taken against you. We hope that you will take this warning seriously and take corrective measures immediately.
This letter will be placed on your personnel employment file. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing one copy of the letter as enclosed herewith.
For (Name of the Company),
(Name of the Officer) (Designation)
Encl.: A/a
Read More : Warning Letter For Poor Performance To The Employee