Letter To Police Station For Stolen Wallet/Purse

Letter To Police Station For Stolen Wallet/Purse
letter to police station for Stolen Wallet/Purse

It is crucial to file an incident with the local police station regarding the lost, missing, or stolen purse if it contains any valuable items. Cards for credit or debit Pan card, driver’s license or aadhar card, voter id card, and any other important document.

If you have lost your wallet and are unable to find it after hours of searching, it is recommended that you contact the bank to stop the debit or credit card as soon as possible to avoid any misuse. The FIR copy might be requested by a particular company when you apply for duplicate documents to replace the original documents that were lost.

Following is a sample of writing a letter to the police station regarding a Lost or stolen wallet.

Note :-Please make two copies of the letter you send to police. One copy will be used for the police record, and another copy that they will acknowledge and return to you

Here is a letter format that you can use to write a letter to a police station about a stolen wallet:


Date: [Date]

[Name of the Complainant]
[Residential Address]
[Telephone Number]
[Email Id]

To The Officer-in-charge / The Superintendent [Police Station] [Address]

Sub.: Request for lodging an FIR regarding the missing or lost, or stolen wallet

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, [Name of the Person], aged [Age] years, son/daughter of [Parent’s Name], am a resident of [Full Address]. I want to bring to your attention that – on [Date] while traveling from [Place] to [Place] by bus, some miscreant stole my wallet, as I am sure the wallet was there in my pant pocket before getting on the said bus, but I could not find the wallet after getting off from the bus.

Following were the contents of my wallet: Money: [Amount] Aadhar card: [Number] Pan card: [Number] Voter id card: [Number] Driving license: [Number] [Bank] Debit card: [Number] [Bank] Credit card: [Number] Passport Photographs of [Number]

Kind request to your good self to lodge an FIR regarding the theft of my wallet, and please provide me with an attested copy thereof.
I am providing herewith a self-attested copy of my Aadhar card as my identity and address proof for your verification purposes. The photocopies of some of the above-mentioned things as available with me presently are also enclosed herewith.

I shall be grateful for any efforts taken by your team to trace and recover my wallet and its contents of it.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely,

[Name of the Person]
Enclosures: As above

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