Sample Loan Clearance Certificate for Employees from Company
In the business world, many employees turn to their companies for loans to cover their personal and work-related expenses. When it’s time to pay back these loans, it’s important to give employees a Loan Clearance Certificate. This certificate proves that they have finished repaying what they borrowed from the company.
A Loan Clearance Certificate is a vital paper that shows the loan is all settled. It has key information like the employee’s name, the loan amount, how long it took to pay off, and the date when it was cleared. This certificate also says that the employee handled their money responsibly and honestly.
This guide provides an example of what a Loan Clearance Certificate can look like. Companies can use it to officially say that an employee has successfully repaid their loan. This certificate doesn’t just make employees feel good; it also builds trust between the company and its workers. By using this example, companies can make the loan clearance process easier and help employees become more financially independent.
Sample Loan Clearance Certificate for Employees from Company

Date: _________
Name of the Officer)
(Name of the Company)
(Office Address)
Sub.: Request for Provisional Certificate of Completion
Dear Sir/Madam,
I had hired the services of your company for the construction of my house. The work has been completed and I have made all the payments as per the agreement. I request you to kindly issue a Provisional Certificate of Completion to me in this regard along with the payment receipts.
I am providing hereunder the required information for your ready reference.
Name: ________________
Address: _____________
Project Name: _________
Project Start Date: _______
Project End Date: _______
Total Cost: _________
I hope the above information will be sufficient for you to provide me with the desired certificate. If there is any more information or documents required from me, please contact me at mobile number __________ or email id _____________.
I need the certificate to submit it to the local authorities for obtaining the occupancy certificate. Hence, I would highly appreciate your cooperation in issuing the certificate as soon as possible.
Thanking you, Yours faithfully,
(Name of the Customer)
To Whomsoever It May Concern,
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. (Name of the Contractor) had provided services to (Name of the Company) for the construction of (Project Name) on (Project Site Address) from (Start Date) to (End Date). The work done by him/her has been completed satisfactorily and as per the terms and conditions of the agreement. The total cost of the project was (Total Cost).
This certificate is issued to him/her on his/her request for the purpose of submission to (Name of the Authority).
(Name of the Officer)
Dated _______
Place: ________
Read More : Request letter for Release of Outstanding Payment