Half Day Leave Application Sample – School/ College/ Office

Taking a half-day leave from your educational institution or workplace can become a necessity for various reasons, including personal commitments, sudden medical emergencies, or unexpected situations. However, composing a leave application can prove to be a daunting task, particularly for those inexperienced in this aspect. Crafting a professional, concise, and comprehensive application is crucial when seeking approval from the relevant authorities.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through a step-by-step approach on how to draft an effective half-day leave application for school, college, or the office. This guidance will equip you with the essential skills needed to confidently and successfully request a half-day leave, leaving no room for confusion or uncertainty in the process.

Here are sample templates for a Half Day Leave Application


Sample Application for Half-Day Leave for SchoolHalf Day Leave Application

The Principal,
_________ (School Name),
_________ (School Address)

Date: __ /__ /____ (Date)

Subject: Application for half day leave

Respected Sir/ Madam,

My name is ________ (Name), I am a teacher of ___________(subject) at your school. My employee ID is ___________(Employee ID).

I am writing this to request a half-day leave on __/__/____ (date). The mail reason for the same is due to _______________ (mention reason – urgent work/doctor’s appointment/other) and it can’t be avoided. I assure you that I will complete all my pending work as soon as possible.

I request you to kindly accept my application. I shall be highly obliged

Yours sincerely,
____________ (Signature),
____________ (Name),
____________ (Contact Details)


Sample Half-Day Leave Application for College

The Principal,
________ (Name of the College),
________ (Address of the College)

Date: __ /__ /____ (Date)

Subject: Application for half day leave

Respected Sir/ Madam,

My name is ________ (Name), and I am working as a _________ (designation) at your college. My employee ID is ___________ (Employee ID).


I write this letter to request you a half-day leave on __/__/____(Date). The reason behind the same is _______________(mention reason-doctor’s appointment/urgent work at home/other) and this can’t be avoided. I assure you that this will not affect the studies of students in my class. I will complete all my pending work at the earliest.

I expect your kindness and request you to accept my application. I shall be obliged.

Yours sincerely,
____________ (Signature),
____________ (Name),
____________ (Employee ID)
____________ (Contact Details)


Sample Application for Half-Day Leave for Office

The HR Manager,
__________ (Company’s Name),
__________ (Company’s Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Application for half day leave

Dear Sir/ Madam,

My name is ________ (name) and I am working in ______ (department/ branch) of _________ (company/ organization). My employee ID is __________ (employee ID) and I am working here for the last _______ (duration – months/ years).

I am writing this letter to request a half-day leave on __/__/____(date). As I have to _____________(mention reason – visit doctor/family function/anything else). I assure you that I will complete all my pending work at the earliest.

I request you kindly accept my application and grant the leave. I shall be obliged.

Yours sincerely,
________ (Signature),
________ (Name),
________ (Employee ID)
________ (Contact Number)

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